A candlelight vigil and sound bath were held Monday night for Susan Lane-Fournier, a Brightwood woman whose body was... For months, FOX 13 Seattle has been looking into how a two-year-old got maimed by a lawnmower at a... Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he wants to work with President-elect Donald Trump to avoid a costly trade... Tacoma fire officials warn that your family and wallet could be at risk if the city doesn't find millions... A King County judge dismissed all charges against Seattle School Board Director Liza Rankin, determining the petition to have... A teen is accused of gunning down his parents and siblings in Fall City back in October, and we're... Investigations involving police and the use of deadly force will now be handled differently in 12 southwest Washington counties.... Joe Biden will be out of the country for several days, immediately after issuing sweeping pardons for his son... Credit card giant Mastercard says this year's Black Friday online shopping grew more than in-person shopping. Subscribe to FOX... We're learning more about measures taken by Boeing's new CEO during the recent strike to cut costs. Subscribe to...