South Floridians share special memories at Davie venue that closed its doors earlier this year after serving the community... Police have arrested the woman seen on surveillance video they believe stole from storage units inside North Miami Beach... Detectives found a car belonging to a senior couple murdered in their Fort Lauderdale home, police said Wednesday. A... A big send-off was held on Wednesday for a Miami-Dade police lieutenant with more than three decades on the... The biggest worldwide campaign that encourages people to reduce their use of single-use plastics is in full swing. Plastic... A man was shot early Wednesday morning before a two-vehicle crash that resulted in one of the SUVs crashing... Many Floridians are dealing with delays when it comes to obtaining vital records. Author: WPLG Local 10 Go to... President Biden’s debate goal was to draw the starkest contrast between himself and Donald Trump. Democrats are now melting... Following President Biden’s brutal debate performance, Democrats in Washington and around the country are panicking. The panel discusses what... We just saw one of the most unusual debates in the history of American politics. One candidate, a convicted...