Every year the Oregon, Washington and northern California coastline take two or three lives when people get swept out... For the first time since 2019, the Art and the Vineyard returns to Alton Baker Park, an artists and... Cooling centers and splash pads among options for community members to cool off during the heat wave. Author: KEZI... The Oregon Department of Transportation said that on and off ramps between exits 189 and 191 in Eugene will... The old College Hill Reservoir in Eugene will close permanently to the public on July 8, before they start... Starting July 8, fishing for Chinook Salmon on the McKenzie River will be closed for the rest of the... Community members and Eugene Springfield Fire emphasize the importance of wearing a life jacket when hitting the water this... The Art and the Vineyard Festival returned to Alton Baker Park after a five year hiatus, giving the Eugene... The Oregon Supported Living Program opened an exhibition showcasing art made by their unhoused clients, and the art pieces... Representative Val Hoyle and Monique DeSpain spoke with us about their thoughts on the Supreme Court's Grants Pass ruling....