Prepare to run into some extra traffic if you're traveling across western Washington freeways this weekend! Subscribe to FOX... William Starks was seen giving the Nazi salute during a city council meeting in the city of Roy, Washington,... A widespread technology outage grounded flights, knocked banks offline and media outlets off air on Friday in a massive... Republicans who called for a toning down of political rhetoric after the Trump rally shooting, used their speeches at... Democrats flipped the typical convention script this week, dominating the news during the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. Following... Donald Trump formally accepted the Republican nomination for the presidency and described Saturday’s assassination attempt in vivid detail. Joe... The Post's Katharine Houreld traveled to Sudan in June to see the world’s largest displacement crisis firsthand. Subscribe to... Airlines around the world halted flights and businesses faced disruptions on July 19 due to a software issue on... Friday briefing: Donald Trump’s RNC speech; Obama’s doubts about Biden; Microsoft, CrowdStrike problems; Evan Gershkovich; and more Author: Washington... This week, The Washington Post's Libby Casey, Rhonda Colvin and James Hohmann report from the Republican National Convention in...